London and Los Angeles LeakyMugs!
Jun 30, 2007
Attention all UK premiere-goers: we’ll be hosting a live Leaky Mug podcast on July 3 after the Order of the Phoenix premiere so you have somewhere to go after all the actors go to their party. Join John, Kevin, Sue, Melissa, Jamie and Andrew at the Piccadilly Theatre at 7 PM for the show. This is within five minutes’ walking distance from the Leicester Square Premiere and should be roomy enough for all! The address is:
Piccadilly Theatre
16 Denman Street,
We apologize for the delay in announcing this event, but we hope everyone can still make it out! As you can see it was for a good cause: We’ve never been in such a big or beautiful theater, and send big thanks to Borders for making it happen!
Attention all US premiere-goers: We will be doing a live Leaky Mug on July 9th at 5 PM in the Borders of Westwood – the same place where we hosted a Leaky Mug in September. PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT the same date as the premiere – this is the next day, after the trio gets their feet/hands/wands impressed in cement at Grauman’s Chinese Theater. The premiere is still July 8; the podcast is July 9. This is a change from our earlier postings. The address is:
Borders Books and Music
1360 Westwood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90024
As with all Leaky Mugs, we ask that you please send an email if you plan on going. In your e-mail, please include which podcast you plan on attending and with how many people. See you there!