Updated: New “Half-Blood Prince” Location Filming Photos From Lacock, Including “The Babberton Arms” Sign

Oct 26, 2007

Posted by: SueTLC


Night two of filming on location for the upcoming “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” continues in the village of Lacock, Wiltshire, England. TLC reader Lizzie sent in some additional photos from the scene, including one of a sign indicating it is “The Babberton Arms.” The signs and the like are all part of the efforts being made by Warner Brothers to create the village of Budleigh Babberton, which readers will remember is the village where Horace Slughorn is residing before Professor Dumbledore and Harry arrive to encourage him to return to teaching at Hogwarts. You can see the rest of the new photos, as well as our entire collection of photos from filming in Lacock, here in our galleries.

UPDATE 3: Dedicated fan Georgie returned tonight to the filming in Lacock, and let us know that they did in fact, film a scene (at 3:30 am no less!) when Harry and Dumbledore walk down the street, traveling past the “Babberton Arms” with this same sign hanging in the store front. She was unable to hear all the dialogue unfortunately, and missed the autograph signings the actors did for the gathered fans, but reports that WB crews very kindly brought out signed photos of Dan Radcliffe for everyone. Georgie also says that actor James Phelps (Fred Weasley) is pulling double duty in the sense he is taking on some crew duties in “Half-Blood Prince” as he is gaining experience for a future career behind the camera as well as in front of the camera. Thanks very much Georgie!

Update 1: Reader Bobbie sent in some new photos of actor Michael Gambon (Professor Dumbledore) taking time out and patiently signing autographs for fans at the filming. Thanks Bobbie!

Update 2: As TLC first reported yesterday, actor Dan Radcliffe (Harry Potter) and Michael Gambon (Prof. Dumbledore) were on set filming scenes set outside of Slughorn’s home for “Half-Blood Prince.” In addition to the photos of Michael Gambon above, celebrity gossip site JustJared.com now has photos showing Dan Radcliffe on set, wearing the jacket and other attire we reported on previously.

As always, anyone who is in the area while filming is ongoing for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, please send in your reports and photos! Thanks Lizzie!

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.