PotterCast 152: Pouf Souffle!

May 22, 2008
Tonight we have for you the 152nd episode of PotterCast, our Harry Potter podcast. First in the news, Sue gives us updates on the elusive “Half-Blood Prince” trailer, new HBP set reports, recently released photos of Lucius Malfoy, our little Main Page redesign, and Jo’s win as Author of the Year from the Children’s Book Awards. Up next, a new Phoenix Files tackles the moments after the DA lessons on casting a patronus to the scenes prior to the big Ministry battle in the “Order of the Phoenix” film. As part of this extended segment, the PotterCasters discuss the patronus charm, the Room of Requirement, Grawp, and Harry’s Occlumency lessons. Our Scribby5 Ladies are here once again to then discuss a new essay called “Chaucer, J.K. Rowling, and All of Us” by author Fidelia from their 24th issue. Finally, the PotterCast quartet wraps it up bringing you an Acting Troupe update, news on an upcoming live episode with a few actors from Harry Potter, and a possible PotterCast tour! To listen, just hit the “Play” button on the right side of the page (–>), or use iTunes, or direct download.
“Pouf Souffle!”
– No Trailer! Boo!
– Leaky has a new look!
– It’s patronus time!
– The Grawp special effects.
– Fidelia shows the numerous parallels between Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and the Harry Potter series.
– Acting troupe update!
– Live PotterCast in Florida with Harry Potter actors!
RT: 53:34
Editors: Jeff Gregory, Samantha McManus, and Andrew Garner
LeakyCon 2009: A Harry Potter Conference in Boston
Podcast Alley
Terminus 2008
Direct download (31 MB).
Direct download low-bandwidth (6 MB).
Remember you don’t need an iPod to listen. Listen easily on iTunes, which you can download and install here, by clicking here to listen, or you can just use the streaming Flash player at PotterCast.com or just on the right side of this page. Discussion of the PotterCast is right here. Enjoy!