Two-part riddle Contest

Jun 01, 2008

Posted by: John Admin


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color=”#A50000″ face=”Comic Sans MS”>Two-part riddle Contest

The Contest Team has decided to do a two-part riddle contest that involves stretching the minds of Leaky’s readers. Part One occurs during the month of June. You are invited to submit a riddle that relates to a person, place or thing found in the Harry Potter books. The contest team will select the 5 best riddles from the entries and will also create an additional 5 riddles. From these 10 riddles, a new riddle will be posted in the Contest Corner each Tuesday and Friday during the month of July (see schedule below) for Part Two of the contest. All contestants’ riddle entries used in July (this excludes riddles created by the contest team) and all people who submit correct answers for all the riddles will be placed into a drawing for one of three Wizard Wood Wands.

General Rules:

• There is a strict PG-13 rating for all riddles
• All work must be original
• All decisions by the judges are final
• Anyone 13 and older may enter the contest including staff members who are not involved in the judging process
• Please refer to our FAQ if you are not sure of something
• If you have any questions not answered on the FAQ, or would like to discuss this contest, please come to the Contest Corner forum on The Leaky Lounge.

Part One Rules:
During the month of June, the Contest Team is asking for people to submit riddles. To help you create your riddles, here are a few sources to help you along: write your own riddle worksheet (requires Acrobat Reader) and writing riddles from

• The answer to each riddle must relate to a person, place, or thing found in books 1-7 of Harry Potter. Please ensure that these riddles are solvable (test them out on friends!), do not have obscure Harry Potter related answers, and, most importantly, are actually riddles (e.g. not trivia questions).
• Please keep riddles no longer than 75 words.
• There is no particular format that is desired for the riddles.
• You may submit up to 3 riddles.
• All riddles must be e-mailed to [email protected] by June 22, 2008 at 11:59 pm (EDT) with “Riddle Entries” in the subject line of the e-mail. Please copy-paste the riddles into the body of the e-mail with the answers and include a name to be used for authorship (real name or Leaky Lounge name).
• All entries that do not include the answers and name for authorship will be disqualified.
• The authors of all riddles used in the second part will be automatically placed into the drawing for a Wizard Wood Wands.

Part Two Rules:
Every Tuesday and Friday through the month of July, the Contest Team will post a riddle on the Contest Corner to be answered via e-mail.

• All answers must be e-mailed with “Riddle Answer” in the subject line to [email protected] before the next riddle is posted (see schedule below). Please also submit a name (real name or Leaky Lounge name) to be used for tracking and site announcement (if you should win) purposes.
• Please do not post your answer in any form or way on The Leaky Lounge. All attempts or answers will be removed with the person notified as to why the post was removed.
• All answers submitted will be recorded and kept throughout the month for each person who enters.
• To be eligible for the drawing of a Wizard Wood Wands, you must have all 10 riddles answered correctly. If you miss a deadline, your list of answers will not be counted towards a full list of correct answers. You are encouraged to still submit answers after a missed deadline in case there is no one with a full list of correct answers. If no one submits and/or answers 10 riddles correctly, the next highest amount correct will be used for the drawing of the three Wizard Wood Wands.

Please note that there have been changes to the times your posts must be made

Schedule of Posted Riddles (date and approximate time of post):
July 1 ’ 3 pm EDT or 8 pm BST
July 4 ’ 10 am EDT or 3 pm BST
July 8 ’ 3 am EDT or 8 am BST
July 11 ’ 12 pm EDT or 5 pm BST
July 15 ’ 6 am EDT or 11 am BST
July 18 ’ 12 am EDT or 5 am BST
July 22 ’ 6 pm EDT or 11 pm BST
July 25 ’ 8 am EDT or 1 pm BST
July 29 ’ 2 pm EDT or 7 pm BST
August 1 ’ 7 am EDT or 12 pm BST
August 5 – All entries are due by 7 am EDT or 12 pm BST

Authors of the riddles:
Rachael Copeland
Selena Gallagher
rowena r

The winners of the 3 <a href=””
target=”_blank”>Wizard Wood Wands have also been picked. Names were placed into the raffle if they won Part 1 and/or answered all 10 riddles correct (we did have some!) in Part 2.

Selena Gallagher

The winning entries and answers can be found <a href=””

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The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.