Support Harry: Read Banned Books
Sep 29, 2008
It’s Banned Books Week, a special time for us at Leaky as Harry Potter fans, as for most of the last decade Harry has been among the most challenged books published. It remains one of the most opposed stories in history, and shares company with Toni Morrison’s Beloved, Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye and other treasures; and the list of challenged books doesn’t stop at acclaimed literary fiction: even the undeniably innocuous Where’s Waldo has earned a spot.
A book is challenged when a community member raises objections to the book being made available publicly, such as at public libraries and schools, and comprises nothing more or less than an actual challenge to free speech. You can read more about this at The American Library Association’s Web site. To show your support for Banned Books Week, read a banned book, display an image of support, and tell people why it’s important to support the right to read whatever you like. You can get images from the ALA press kit here, and find suggestions from the ALA on how to celebrate this event here.