Rumor Alert: A Second Test Screening Held for Half-Blood Prince?

Mar 11, 2009
HBP Film
Hang on everyone, as The Sun is reporting tonight a second “secret” test screening for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was held yesterday. In true tabloid fashion, the paper declares that “the handful of devotees came out blasting film bosses for making key
characters and plot-lines from JK ROWLING‘s best-seller
disappear…as if by magic.” As such, the article contains only negative reactions to this supposed screening, with no details provided on where and when these comments were made. One example of reactions as the paper writes ”
the Half-Blood Prince of the title barely features. Worse still the
film was slammed as too SOPPY.”
To read more, click here. We are trying to obtain more information about this test screening and will update with more when we can.