Life Sucks?

Apr 03, 2009

Posted by: John Admin

Bloggers - Candace

Ok, this is the second time I’ve written up this blog. Let’s hope it save properly this time.

Let’s that the title of this blog literally and figuratively. Vampires are pop-culture. It is no secret that Twilight has launched vampire-literature into the spotlight. But what is it about these types of books that make them so popular and desirable?

I think it’s because of the idealism it offers, and the exotic allure of the impossible. In a strictly practical manner of speaking, vampires don’t exist, at least not the blood-drinking, sun/garlic/holy-allergic type. Yet in a literary backdrop, they offer tales of exotic adventures and idealistic impossibilities. It’s the idealism of a boyfriend who is impossibly gorgeous in a literally timeless way. the possibility of actually being in love, loving someone, and being loved literally for all of eternity. It’s the thought that with someone who is supernatural, they also have supernatural abilities and a supernatural solution to all your problems. He or she can keep you safe from the dangers of our world. But at the same time, it’s a risk to align with vampires because they are not human and can’t offer the same comforts as a human can. It’s the risk that makes it exciting to read about a human x vampire relationship, or getting inside the mind of a predator that was once-human.

I personally would have LOVED to know what JKR thinks on vampires. There is very little mention of them in Harry Potter, and I understand as they aren’t a vital part of the storyline. But it’d be interesting to see how they fit in, what they look like in the mind of JKR. No doubt they would have a very interesting creative twist to them!

What do YOU think about vampires?

(Yes, I do have series recommendations but I’m not going to post them here because the are what I would call R-rated books. If you want a suggestion, please email me.)

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.