I know I said….but

Jul 02, 2009

Posted by: John Admin

Bloggers - MirandaV

So, I know I had these big plans to make this a view on the Muggle world a la Fred and George and I’m sure I’ll get there someday but right now my life is pretty hectic so I’m just going to make this a regular blog until such time as I can put a little more effort into it. I recently posted on my LJ about how I came to the fandom and it made me all nostalgic and a little sad, but then I remembered…THERE’S A NEW MOVIE COMING OUT!!! And I know a lot of you are hiding from all the clips and such but I am not. I promise not to go into detail about them but I must squee my face off about the most recent ones, the cave scene and the attack at the burrow. I was not really that excited about the attack at the burrow being in this film because I thought it was so perfect as written by Jo. It didn’t come until the 7th book and it was another huge announcement that things are different now, no where is safe, etc. And I loved how it was used. So when I first saw that they were doing this “I confess myself disappointed.” I’m still not sure that I love the idea of it coming early but I can say it looks like it’s fabulous in the movie! Oh, and that part of the cave scene was so powerful and thrilling and even chilling (there’s a certain sound that will really just make you cringe). I’m am almost 100% certain that this is going to be the best movie yet. And, look, it’s even getting Oscar buzz! Woot!

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.