Harry Potter Park Confirmed Opening Spring 2010, Rides, Features Unveiled

Sep 15, 2009
At today’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter event in Orlando, Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy), who was on hand to help with the announcements, confirmed the attraction will be opening in Spring 2010 – and more, as this post gets updated.
UPDATE: Videos are now available for download here in our galleries:
Entire Special Webcast with Tom Felton on Gryffindor Common Set
Map of Wizarding World
The Marauder’s Map guide to the park was created by the same people who created the Marauder’s Map for the movies.
In a release, J.K. Rowling said, “The plans I’ve seen look incredibly exciting, and I don’t think fans of the books or films will be disappointed.”
Hi Res Photos now available!
Map of Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Zonkos Joke Shop
Flying Harry
Flight of the Hippogriff Ride
Hog’s Head
Filch’s Confiscated Emporium
Dervish and Banges
Dragon’s Challenge
Hogwarts Exterior
Birds Eye View Poster of Park
The announcement took place on a Gryffindor Common Room set; Tom Felton
said, “I’m not usually welcome in the Gryffindor Common Room,” as he
sat down.
Park will be more than 22 acres and between current Jurassic Park Lost Continent area and “Dueling Dragons” roller coaster.
The park will begin at an entryway to Hogsmeade, inside of which will be the Hogwarts Express.
Ollivander’s Wand Shop will be recreated, featuring “thousands” of dusty boxes lining the shelves and an interactive experience where guests have a wand choose them. This, said Paul Dario, a producer on the park, said came from Jo talking about being on set the moment Harry had his wand chosen. “It was a very special moment,” she told them.
Also: Filch’s Emporium of Confiscated Goods will be inside the Hogwarts Castle, contain Ministry of Magic and magical creatures and merchandise, including Omnioculars and remote control Golden Snitches.
A new ride, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, will travel through the insides of Hogwarts, sweeping up through the castle and has been written specifically for the park (though it has not been revealed by whom). We will see “many parts” of the castle.
The entry gates that were in the sixth film will be recreated outside the castle structure in the park.
On the sides of the Hogsmeade street will be Honeydukes Sweet Shop, Dervish and Banges, Zonkos Joke Shop. Sweets sold in Honeydukes; Dervish and Banges will have items like Remembralls, SpectreSpecs, etc.
The Three Broomsticks and Hogs Head will feature “authentic” fare as well as butterbeer and pumpkin juice, in a medieval setting.
The Owlery will feature owls resting on rafters, and will provide a calm environment to take a break from the rest of the action. Also “owls” will be sent out using an official postmark only available at the park.
All the shops will offer merchandise that can only be bought at the park.
The current Dueling Dragons ride will now be the Dragon Challenge, where you can choose between a Chinese Fireball and Hungarian Horntail.
Another ride, the Flying Hippogriff (probably a reinvention of the flying unicorn that was at the park) will be framed around Care of Magical Creatures Class. Hagrid will instruct on the proper ride of a hippogriff.
Art director Alan Gilmore said the park will be a “completely immersive environment, “completely faithful” to books and films.”
According to the NYTimes the park is estimated to cost about $265 million to produce.
Tom Felton: “It’s going to blow some serious minds.”
Stay tuned to Leaky and our Park Info Page for more.