David Yates and Cast Members Talk Half-Blood Prince DVD and More

Nov 29, 2009

Posted by: SueTLC

HBP Film

Thanks to our friends at Oclumencia for pointing us to a series of interviews with Vira-Tempo blog where director David Yates and several of the cast members discuss the upcoming Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince DVD. Links can be found here: Dan Radcliffe, David Yates, Rupert Grint, Bonnie Wright, and Emma Watson. Of interest are new comments from Dan Radcliffe and David Yates on that Blu-ray live community screening that will take place December 12 as well as a bit on the Deathly Hallows sneak peek as follows:

“So you’re undertaking something of a first with the Blu-ray release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
with the Live Community Screening ’ can you tell me more about that?
DAVID YATES: “Yes. Technically, it’s an extraordinary event. It’s happened before, but not on the global scale that we’re going to do because obviously there are Harry Potter fans everywhere on the planet. It’s on December 12th of this year and Daniel Radcliffe and I will be answering questions directly from fans via BD-Live about how we made the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and some of the things that were challenging as we made it, and some of the things that I’m sure the fans will begin to know about: Why did we leave some things out? Why did some things come in? And it will be the first time that we’ll really engage with that global fan-base on a minute-by-minute basis, so it’ll be really cool.

So you’ll be enticing people to take part, obviously?
Dan Radcliffe: Oh, absolutely. I’m actually genuinely very, very excited about it. I think it’ll be really cool. I’m looking forward to some absolutely mental questions, and probably questions I haven’t been asked before because fans come at the film from a totally different side to journalists. So I imagine there’ll be some stuff I’ve never heard before.”

David Yates also speaks to the Deathly Hallows sneak peek we will be getting next month.We thought we’d just give them a few little snippets of what we’ve been doing over the past seven months as we shot Deathly Hallows. We don’t want to give too much away; it’s a few little tidbits of some of the sequences that we’ve been filming. I’m so excited about the two movies that we’re making from the Deathly Hallows and we just wanted to give the fans a bit of a taste of that with the Blu-ray.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.