WB Lowers Price of Harry Potter Spells Application for iPhone Plus New Contest

Nov 30, 2009

Posted by: SueTLC


WB has now lowered the price of their new Harry Potter Spells application for iPhone and iPod Touch to $2.99 (down from $4.99) At the official site, you can learn more about this fun game application tranforms your iPhone into a wand where you can duel and cast 14 different spells, and you can see a helpful training video here in our galleries. You can purchase the application here at iTunes. Be sure to check out the official Facebook page where there is a new contest afoot for fans who can submit a photo of their best dueling pose by December 2nd, and win the Spells application plus a device to play it on.

Finally, Wired.com has a new review of the application online this morning, where the reviewer noted: “The game has fourteen spells, including the ones you would expect
(e.g., Expelliarmus and Expecto Patronum) and a few you probably
wouldn’t (e.g., Episkey and Oppugno). Each is cast by holding the
iPhone (or iPod Touch) parallel to the floor and making a particular
gesture, unique to each spell. This I found to be the hardest part of
the app, primarily because the tutorial did not adequately explain how
the gestures were to be made. It had seemed to me that the gestures
were supposed to be made as though seen from above, whereas they’re
actually supposed to be made as though the iPhone were chalk and you
were writing on a blackboard. Once the folks who made the game sent me
a video explaining that, it made things significantly less frustrating
for me.”

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.