Ignoring the Fandom

Feb 02, 2010

Posted by: John Admin

Bloggers - JeffHPFan

1 year and 6 months. That’s 547 (548 if you round up) days without a blog from me on here. It has been weird without leaky, let me tell you… After I dropped from the staff list due to my decreased time and thus, unfortunately, interest, I found myself visiting leaky less and less as well. As school and sports grabbed hold of my life, and as the news concerning Harry Potter dwindled in the post-book seven years, I found myself posting less on LeakyLounge, listening to PotterCast on less of a frequent basis, and moving away from the Fandom as a whole. I miss it. Some new friends I made, who talked to my sister about me, found out I used to visit Harry Potter sites. They asked me where I blogged. Thus I had the idea to come back here, and, after searching for a half an hour in my email for instructions on how to blog, I think I have figured it out. Basically… I miss the fandom. The friends, the laughs, the inside jokes from PotterCast and the Staff were amazing years of my life. I feel that, had I not spent much of my teen years as part of this fandom, I would be facing an entirely different existence. The existence I face now is, in at least my opinion, a great one. Thanks to Harry Potter, I am excelling at school. Our cumulative GPAs and class ranks were just listed… I have a 3.994 gpa and am number 5 in my class of 478 peers. I thank Harry Potter, and Leaky, for this. I feel as if I have abandoned the fandom in my absence. Friends hear less of me, except for those who may follow me on Twitter. I post less on the lounge. And my lack of time removed me from the staff, and even though it was my decision, and it needed to be done, I frequently think about how awesome the staff was.
Basically, the fandom has become a nostalgic experience for me. I apologize that this post is probably very unorganized, as I am writing it in between AP U.S. History homework. I hope that people read this and realize that I didn’t mean to leave them… hopefully I will find myself more active on the LeakyLounge as time comes to pass. Just don’t leave the fandom behind like I did.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.