David Heyman Promises Deathly Hallows will be “Even More Epic” in 3-D

Mar 29, 2010

Posted by: Melissa Anelli

Heyman Interviews

MTV has posted a lengthy and informative interview with Potter films producer David Heyman today discussing the film to bring both parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to 3-D. Heyman as usual is very frank about the decisions, the effect of films like Avatar and Up, and the economics of shooting the entire film with 3-D technology versus converting it in post-production. Highlights:

Clearly, the success of 3-D movies has had an impact on the economy and
making of films. We saw an opportunity and grabbed it. Also, “Harry
Potter” itself has so many exciting possibilities for 3-D, both in
things coming at you and also just in making that world seem even more
epic than it already is. “Harry Potter” is already an epic film, but
having that added dimension will make it even more epic, and that seemed
like an opportunity that was too hard to pass up.

One of the things I really loved about watching James Cameron’s approach
to 3-D in “Avatar” was that it wasn’t about things coming out at you
all the time. It was actually about adding great depth. You wouldn’t
want to overuse stuff coming at you. We haven’t begun the process of
converting it yet. We are doing some tests and looking at various
things, but we aren’t done with any sequence yet.

I think that there’s no question that shooting a film in 3-D is a great
thing. I think it was just impractical. It would have taken much, much
too long. Shooting in 3-D is slower. Some people say shooting in 3-D is
the only way to go, and some people are more open to the other. It’ll be
interesting as it develops to see whether shooting in 3-D becomes the
norm or not, because clearly it’s more expensive, partly because
shooting takes longer.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.