Lumos Fundraising Event at Warner Bros Studio Tour

Nov 10, 2013

Posted by: Catherine


Last night, J.K. Rowling hosted a fundraising event for her Lumos charity. Lumos is designed to rid Europe of systematic institutionalized child care, reunite families, and provide loving and caring environments for children to grow up in. The fundraiser was held at the Harry Potter Warner Brothers Studio Tour. The event was attended by many of the Harry Potter cast, and raised over one million pounds for Lumos. The pictures from this even can be seen on the Lumos FaceBook page, and a few may be seen below.

According to the Daily Mail, J.K. Rowling gave a speech, saying:

“Since setting up the charity eight years ago to help change the lives of so many children living unnecessarily in appalling institutions across the world, Lumos has already helped governments to take nearly 12,000 children out of these institutions.

“We have prevented the deaths of more than 400 extremely vulnerable children with disabilities, who were not receiving the care they needed in institutions.

“We have helped the EU change its rules on how it uses money to reform health, education and social services ’ and we are just beginning.”

˜We have prevented the deaths of more than 400 extremely vulnerable children with disabilities who were not receiving the care they needed in institutions.

We have helped the EU change its rules on how it uses money to reform health, education and social services ’ and we are just beginning.

˜There is so much more we need to do. Tonight will go towards helping achieve that.’

With other Lumos news, according to SnitchSeeker, J.K. Rowling told Harper’s Bazzar UK that she would be putting her Harry Potter charm bracelet up for auction. This bracelet is one of Ms. Rowling’s special personal items, and all proceeds will be going to benefit Lumos. J.K. Rowling said:

On the day that the seventh Harry Potter book was to be released, my editor, Emma, and the head of Bloomsbury children’s books, Sarah, met me in London and gave me a small package to open. Inside was what would become (aside from my wedding ring) my most treasured piece of jewellery: a bracelet covered in gold and silver charms from the books. There was a tiny Golden Snitch, a silver Ford Anglia, a Pensieve and a stag Patronus. There was even a Philosopher’s Stone in the form of an uncut garnet.

Unfortunately, my personal Philosopher’s Stone did not last the night. Somewhere during an eight-hour signing session it must have broken against the table, because when I got home the following morning it was gone. Vaguely, in my tiredness, it seemed a portent. The series was finished and it was time to move on.

Thanks to SnitchSeeker for the heads up, and the photo of the bracelet, which can be seen below.

style=””>Update: J.K. Rowling sent out a rare tweet about the Lumos event’s success!style=””>

style=”color: #333333; background-color: #f5f5f5;” class=”stream-item-header”>33m

Fantastic that we raised over £1M at last night’s fundraiser – going directly towards ending the institutionalisation of children.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.