Pottermore’s Proud House Contest

Jan 27, 2015

Posted by: Catherine

Fan Sites

In celebration with Harry Potter week in Orlando’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Pottermore announced a contest to earn 1 million house points for “the house that celebrates its pride the most vociferously” last week. Today Pottermore outlined the rules of the contest that will be this Friday. The rules, as can be seen on Pottermore Insider, are as such:



  • You create a post, movie, image or other creative celebration of your house pride.

  • Add your house pride hashtag to your contribution: #GryffindorPride #SlytherinPride
    #RavenclawPride #HufflepuffPride

  • Upload your brilliant idea on Facebook, TwitterTumblr, or Instagram.

  • We will share some of the best house pride celebrations on the Pottermore Insider, Twitter,     Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram.

  • Remember, you don’t need to make your Facebook profile public for us to see it. Just make your     house pride contribution public.

  • As Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram don’t allow under 13s to participate, artwork from our     younger Pottermore members can be uploaded onto pottermore.com. Visit your house founder’s     page and upload your picture to the image gallery at the bottom: Godric Gryffindor,
    Helga HufflepuffSalazar SlytherinRowena Ravenclaw
    . You won’t need to include a hashtag for     these pictures.

  • We will count all the contributions up from Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We will discount any     contributions that are inappropriate or that are not in the spirit of the contest.

  • The winning house will be the one with the highest number of creative house pride contributions.     This house will earn one million points.

  • All of you who love brewing potions and duelling keep going, as this doesn’t affect your personal     standings on the Leaderboards.

  • And don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of time after this contest to continue earning points through     brewing potions and duelling, before the next House Cup is awarded.

Good luck to all the Houses, and may the proudest House win!


The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.