Emma Watson’s Book Delivery to New Zealand

Mar 27, 2017
Books, Info, Watson, Watson Interviews
Emma Watson adores sharing her love of books with anyone and everyone (just see her feminist book club).
Starting in 2012, Books on the Underground (in London) strives to place books like a mobile, public library, allowing anyone to pick up the book and enjoy it – then leave it for someone else to love. Emma started dropping books in the Tube this past fall, and it’s spread like wildfire. Everywhere from Dubai to London and beyond have ‘Book Fairies”

She’s said,
“The idea is to make people love reading again and to spread the love, like random acts of kindness.”
Her movement has spread to 26 different countries, and each book has a handwritten note from Emma herself – and is authored by feminists. Authors like Caitlin Moran, Maya Angelou, and Gloria Steinem have been included in her book drops.
To celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) she sent a total of 12,000 books to her ‘book fairies’ to deliver all over the globe, and New Zealand is just the newest addition to the list.

A note from Emma in one of the books dropped by Jade-Ceres Munoz. (Picture by Dean Purcell)
New Zealand’s very first book fairy is Jade-Ceres Munoz; who spreads her books among the Auckland Downtown Ferry Terminal. Ever since starting the book drops, other chapters of the ‘book fairying’ have opened all over New Zealand.
She’s passionate about the project saying,
“A lot of people tell me they love the idea. Like a lot of girls, I dreamed of changing the world and this is a way for me to do something I am passionate about. As I grew up reading a lot and believe reading is important because it introduces you to new ideas and concepts, new ways of looking at the world.”
I’m sure Emma would agree.