The Night Before Christmas–A Hogwarts Story

Dec 24, 2017
Books, Fandom, Fans, Fun, Holidays, J.K. Rowling, Media, News
Most readers can easily recount their childhood favorites, many of which are widely viewed as classics within the vast body of literature we are privileged to enjoy. Some of these page-turners came to eager hands gift-wrapped, slender tell-tale packages under the tree. They beckoned us to new worlds and introduced us to life-long friends.
For Potter fans, the Harry Potter series has already achieved this hallowed status. Dog-eared corners are badges of honor as they hold places of prestige on shelf after shelf. The magic of J.K. Rowling, of the wizarding world, draws us back again and again, and on this Christmas, we find a bit of this charm in an original reworking of another traditional classic. Let us take you back to Hogwarts–to the night before Christmas, to be exact.
The Night Before Christmas
–A Hogwarts Story–
‘Twas the night before Christmas,
When all thro’ the school,
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even a ghoul.
The stockings were hung,
By common firesides with care,
In hopes that Nick (not nearly-headless)
Soon would be there.
The students were nestled
In four-poster beds,
While visions of sugar quills
Danc’d in their heads.
McGonagall in her ‘kerchief,
And Filch in his cap,
Had just settled their brains
For a long winter’s nap–
When high on the tower
There arose such a clatter,
Mrs. Norris sprang from her bed
To see what was the matter.
Away to the turret
They flew like a flash,
Tore up the stairs,
Taking each at a dash.
The moon through the windows
Shone with glittering light,
As they wound their way upwards
That magical night.
When what to their wondering
Eyes should construe
But a tall figure
Decked in silver and blue,
With a long-handled broom,
So sleek and so quick.
They paused in the shadow,
Could this be St. Nick?!
More rapid than eagles
His owls then came,
And he whistled, and shouted,
And called them by name:
“Now! Pippin, now! Flynn, now! Orion and Pig!
“ On! Juno, on! Errol, on! Sherl, Hedwig!
“To the top of the castle! Beyond reach of the trees!
“Now fly away! Fly away! Stay in a vee!”
As the Seeker to snitch he has spied,
When bound with a mission, take to the skies.
So up to the stars the messengers flew,
As swift as the wizard carried by Floo.
And then in a twinkling,
The owls were gone,
Christmas tidings now sent
And charmed with a song.
As Filch drew into the corner,
The man turned around–
Not St. Nick but the Headmaster,
Silver hair for a crown.
His robes lined in fur
From his head to his toe,
And his beard in the starlight
Was white as the snow.
He pulled from the folds
A wand and a bag,
And he smiled and laughed
Like the twins ‘fore a gag.
His eyes–how they twinkled!
With mirth and wisdom of old,
His face full of warmth,
In spite of the cold;
His sage little mouth
Was drawn into a smirk,
And his chin gently quivered,
Anticipating the lark.
The velveteen bag
He clutched tight in his hand.
The sheen of the jewels
Told of far distant lands.
His visage was pleasant,
Though mysterious, too;
The lines on his face
Leaving bittersweet clues.
He was stately, demure,
A noble old elf,
And Filch swelled with pride
In spite of himself.
A wink of his eye
And a nod of his head
Soon gave Filch to know
He had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word,
But gathered his robes,
Descended the staircase,
Heading straight for the dorms.
He greeted the guardians,
Mumbled a phrase,
And doors opened freely,
Not a finger he raised.
From enchanted depths he withdrew
Bins, tins, and tarts,
His delight ever growing
For students from family apart.
Then Filch heard him exclaim
As he slipped out of sight,
“Happy Christmas to all,
And to all a good night!”
Leaky would like to wish Potter fans the world over a happy and most enchanting Christmas this holiday season. Remember, there is magic to be found in every story, even old ones made new. Find it, and then carry it with you into the New Year!