New merchandise at Universal Orlando Resort, just in time for the start of term

Aug 16, 2021
News, Products
If you are boarding the Hogwarts Express on September 1, you won’t be needing a lunch box since you will be eating your meals in the Great Hall. Your food, prepared by the school elves, will appear on your house table as if by magic. Well, in this case, actually by magic. But if you are attending a Muggle school this autumn, you might be interested in the new house lunch boxes available at Universal Orlando Resort. WOWNT has posted photographs of each house’s lunchbox, as well information on an adorable new Fawkes stuffed animal, and a tree full of Harry Potter-themed ornaments. Yes, we haven’t started the fall term yet, but it’s definitely not too early to think about Christmas!
Ornaments include the Fat Lady ($15), the Sorting Hat ($25), and Hogwarts robes for each house ($15). See the original WOWNT piece for detailed photos of each item from every angle. The school crest and house mascot ornaments that can be seen in the background of the photos look appealing as well.

House lunchboxes are spacious and look like miniature backpacks. Each has a crest and the house name. They sell for $35 each.

Fawkes is adorable in plush huggable form, although he still manages to look dignified. This model replaces an older one, still available, in which he looked more like a parrot. He sells for $45.

Are you looking forward to the start of term? What Harry Potter-related items will you take to school this autumn? Or your office, if you have graduated and joined the workforce but want to pretend you are still in school? <raises hand>