Harry Potter sells his namesake first edition for $37,000
Oct 19, 2021
Books, Harry Potter and the Philosophers / Sorcerers Stone
Imagine if your name were Harry Potter and a book came out where the titular character shared your name. That would be kinda neat, huh? Then imagine the book becomes a series that inspires movies, a theme park, a global fandom, a play, and, uh, a few fan websites. All prominently sporting your name. At that point, it might get kinda weird.
Harry Potter of Waterlooville in Hampshire, rather than Little Whinging in Surrey, was 8 years old when Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was released. His father thought it was wonderful to find a book with his son’s name on it and bought him a copy. Nearly 25 years later, Harry Potter has sold his rare first edition for £27,500 ($37,000) at auction. One of only 500 copies printed, the book was sold to a private collector in the UK via Hansons Auctions in Etwall, Derbyshire. An auction house spokesman said: “The providence is unique – it’s an honour to sell Harry Potter’s Harry Potter.”
Harry told the BBC that his father, David, died from cancer in 2017 and he felt it was now time to part with the valuable book to honour him. He has spent much of his life convincing people that his name is really Harry Potter.
“People just don’t believe me. When I was a young footballer, a referee threatened me with a red card for saying my name was Harry Potter…When I met my wife, Philippa, on holiday in Greece, she didn’t believe me either.” Good thing her name was not Ginevra or we would have to wonder if some real magic were involved.
Imagine if your name just happened to be Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore or Thomas Malvolo Riddle. Do you know anyone who shares a name with a famous character from a novel, or a real life famous person, leading to confusion and awkwardness in various situations?