Video: Tom Felton in “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”

Jul 20, 2011

Posted by: Mel


Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) will be appearing the upcoming film, “Rise of the Planet of the Apes,” and we now have a clip of this movie featuring Felton’s character. “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” will be released August 5th. You can watch this clip here or below.

<a href="" title="'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' Exclusive Clip: "Don't Get Too Close"" target="_new">Video: &#8216;Rise of the Planet of the Apes&#8217; Exclusive Clip: &#8220;Don&#8217;t Get Too Close&#8221;</a></object></p> </div><div id="postsep"><span class="facebooklike"><div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-layout="standard" data-action="like" data-colorscheme="light" data-show-faces="true"> </div></span></div></div> <br><br> <div class="option-archive"> </div> <br /><br /> <!-- Here we load disqus comments --> <div class="dcl-disqus-thread" id="comments" > <div id="disqus_thread"> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var disqus_url = ''; var disqus_identifier = '16001'; var disqus_container_id = 'disqus_thread'; var disqus_domain = ''; var disqus_shortname = 'leaky'; var disqus_title = "Video: Tom Felton in &#8220;Rise of the Planet of the Apes&#8221;"; var disqus_config = function () { var config = this; // Access to the config object config.language = ''; /* Add the ability to add javascript callbacks */ /* All currently supported events: * preData — fires just before we request for initial data * preInit - fires after we get initial data but before we load any dependencies * onInit - fires when all dependencies are resolved but before dtpl template is rendered * afterRender - fires when template is rendered but before we show it * onReady - everything is done */ config.callbacks.preData.push(function() { // clear out the container (its filled for SEO/legacy purposes) document.getElementById(disqus_container_id).innerHTML = ''; }); config.callbacks.onReady.push(function() { // sync comments in the background so we don't block the page var script = document.createElement('script'); script.async = true; script.src = '?cf_action=sync_comments&post_id=16001'; var firstScript = document.getElementsByTagName( "script" )[0]; firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(script, firstScript); }); }; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var DsqLocal = { 'trackbacks': [ ], 'trackback_url': "http:\/\/\/2011\/07\/20\/video-tom-felton-in-rise-of-the-planet-of-the-apes\/trackback\/" }; /* ]]> */ </script> <div class='related-posts'><h2>Related Felton News</h2><ul><li><a href=""><img width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image lazyload" alt="" loading="lazy" /></a><a href=""><b>Draco/Tom shows his house pride with some Slytherin merch</b></a><p style="color:#b3b3b3;padding-left: 142px;line-height: 1.2em;font-size: 14px;">Tom Felton recently displayed his Slytherin house pride by purchasing some Slytherin-themed merchandise from Insight Editions. 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