
14 count aida cloth

Tapestry needle

Embroidery hoop

DMC floss (see the pattern for color numbers)

Final Measurements

32 stitches wide x 32 high

Approximately 2 ¼" X 2 ¼" (5.7 X 5.7 cm) on 14 count aida

Use 3-ply for all stitches


Right click and select "Save Target As"

Note from the Crafty Witches

This pattern was originally designed to form the top a plastic canvas tissue box top. As aida is not rigid enough, it is not recommended to use the pattern for such a thing. However, the images could be used to surround a nice frame, or even used individually. Your imagination is the limit here!


© Mountain Harmony's original pattern was taken from Mountain Harmony Creations and turned into a cross-stitching pattern by Leaky Crafty Witch Josée Leblanc with permission. DMC color recommendations and final picture were made by Joanna.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.