June 2007
- The Leaky Lounge by: fawkes28
- Who Put the Hog in Hogwarts? by: Theredwitch
- Harry Potter and the Adaptation from Novel to Film by: Robyn Joffe
- A Slowly Simmering Potion by: Wriggly_Wrackspurt
- A Harsh Upbringing by: Arthura Weasley
- He Will Not Be Redeemed by: ILUVSB
- Harry Riddle and Tom Potter by: Maria Capobianco
- The Knave of Spades by: Yamato
- Mr Moony: Lupin's Curse and His Inspiration? by: Canis Sapiens
- Ron Weasley: Ace-Up-the-Rowling-Sleeve by: Weaslediva