January 2010 Craft-Along: Make Your Own Weasley Family Clock!

Hello, hello, and welcome to The Leaky Cauldron's first Craft-Along of 2010.

Do you have a horrid time keeping up with your children? Is your spouse in a high risk job with the Ministry of Magic? Then, boy howdy, to we have a treat for you!

This month the Crafty Witches & Wizards invite you to join us in crafting your very own Weasley Family Clock.

We've provided a great tutorial to get you started, but if you feel like tackling more of a project that's great, too! Let your creativity soar...do a little swish and flick...and show us what you can come up with.

If you find you need a little inspiration along the way let us direct you to an entire muggle photo album of Weasley Clocks. You can use our Floo Network to get to it by clicking right here.

So, moving right along, the basic supplies that you will need for this project are:

  • A clock parts kit from your favorite home improvement or craft shop.
  • A purchased, or made, clock face.
  • Acrylic or wood paints.
  • A permanent marker.

Of course, if you're doing a more detailed clock you'll need to adjust your shopping list accordingly; and, if you have any questions here is the thread you'll need.

To show off your finished clock we've set up a thread here to host all of the photos.

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.