Apr 26, 2006
Last week we revealed that Jim McManus would play Aberforth Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; today WB said that Jim’s role is “very minor,” which should allay some of the crazy speculation over the meaning of McManus being cast as it relates to book/film seven. If the role is the …read more!
Apr 26, 2006
Leaky is happy to reveal that Tony Maudsley is confirmed to portray Grawp in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, representatives for the actor confirmed to Leaky today. The role is that of Hagrid’s giant half-brother that he brings back from his travels. Grawp was confirmed to be in the film when producer …read more!
Apr 25, 2006
HPANA originally reported, and now Digital Spy has seconded, that director David Yates’s longtime friend Nicholas Hooper will score Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. As always, these things are up in the air until confirmed by an official source, but this one is looking more solid by the minute. Thanks guys!
Apr 25, 2006
Scholastic has released the cover art for the paperback edition of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince which you can see in our galleries, here. Looking very similar to the original, Half-Blood Prince will be released in paperback here in the US on July 25; the UK paperback from Bloomsbury is due a month earlier …read more!
Apr 24, 2006
As part of the upcoming release of Driving Lessons, we have seen several recent interviews with actor Rupert Grint; the newest one now with MTV. Rupert, who plays Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films, discusses scenes he is currently filming for Phoenix, in particular one sequence in the Room of Requirement with the DA …read more!
Apr 24, 2006
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has been nominated for three MTV Movie Awards, in the categories “Best On-Screen Team” (Daniel Radclifffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson), “Best Villain” (Ralph Fiennes) and “Best Hero” (Daniel Radcliffe). Voting online or via cell phone continues until May 19. The awards will be announced at a ceremony airing …read more!
Apr 24, 2006
Comingsoon.net has a new interview with Rupert Grint, in which the actor discusses his new film Driving Lessons , the progress of the OotP shoot, working with Julie Walters (Mrs. Weasley) on both films, leaving school, playing the didgeridoo and much more. Here’s a quote about his reasons for choosing to do Driving Lessons: I …read more!
Apr 24, 2006
PotterCast #36, Quite the Conundrum, in which we unveil a new segment and play your feedback, is live. In this show: -John has done the dance dance – get it at LeakyNews.com -Our new segment, Canon Conundrums, goes live with Lexicon Guru Steve Vander Ark; each week we’ll rip apart one book issue/problem/concern, etc. Up …read more!
Apr 23, 2006
A wee little off-topic giggle for you all; as PotterCast listeners know, TLC Creative Director John Noe has been promising to videotape himself doing “Dance Dance Revolution” in a Slytherin robe as soon as readers sent in 10 gift cards to Chipotle…well, they’ve come, and he’s done it, and it’s now directly downloadable here (it …read more!
Apr 22, 2006
Actor Rupert Grint is due to appear at the screening of his new film Driving Lessons, at the Tribeca Film Festival on Sunday, April 30 at 8:30pm. Rupert (Ron Weasley) stars in this new film along with fellow Potter actress Julie Walters (Molly Weasley). Tickets for this event are very limited, and available now only …read more!