Winners of the Harry Potter Decor Contest Announced

Oct 27, 2008
Last month, we brought you the Harry Potter Themed Decor Contest, which asked you to photograph a room which you have decorated in a Harry Potter style or theme. After receiving many splendid entries, we now have for you the winners of this contest.
First Place: Carmen Ruybe
This room is decked out like the Gryffindor common room. The fireplace is my most prized item. My friends Dennis and Betty Gronseth and Rich Forgey, my son Derick Jackson, my sister Vicki and my husband Joe helped a lot. Look closely and you will see replicas made by Michele Klau, Ealaveandor, and HPMagician. Some of the other items in the pictures were made by Jennifer K. Clark and Castle.elf. I have been collecting HP for 5 yrs now and have a whole room full of figures and trinkets. Some of the Hogwart’s books in the pictures were made by Order_thru the Phoenix as well. There is a wall with the “Lady and the Unicorn” covering like the Gryffindor common room. The wall hanging was made by Michele Klau. There is a great picture of my windows with the arches in my homemade Gryffindor common room. When I come home this is the first place I come everyday. This room started off being the family reading room. My youngest son likes to read in his room now. Even though the trunk has the Hogwarts emblem upside down I still keep it in my room.
Second Place: Amy Warren
is my newly decorated 8 year old son’s room. The pillows, bed hangings,
and curtains were sewn by me. the walls are “scene setters dungeon wall.
Third Place: Ruth Pendzich
are pictures of my Guest Room which I have decorated with a lot of my
HP collectibles and handmade replicas. Most of the non-commercial Harry
Potter-related items are made by me, (with the exception of the
Knockturn Alley sign and the Slytherin Locket), as this is one of my
hobbies. I know these collage pictures are a bit busy, but I have so
much stuff jammed in this room, it’s hard to show it all. I also have
two other rooms in my home decorated with an HP theme.
Congratulations to all!