Report from Harry Potter Translator Conference in France

Sep 15, 2009

Posted by: SueTLC


Last week we told you about a special gathering of translators for the Harry Potter novels due to take place in France as part of the UNESCO International Literacy day celebration. Today, there is a marvelous audio report online from the conference that includes interviews with professors and several of the translators of the novels. Notable are comments from the Thai translator and her remarks on the huge impact the Harry Potter novels made on the amount of reading done in her country. Also of interest are thoughts and reflections from those who translate the books in Hebrew, Africaans, the hurdles the Georgian translators faced (where burning of the books was being encouraged), as well as a audio sample of the first Harry Potter book translated in Ancient Greek. Enjoy!

Thanks much to Gili Bar-Hillel!

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.