Emma Watson featured on Cover of September UK Vogue

Aug 03, 2015
Interviews, News, Watson, Watson Interviews
Emma Watson is set to be featured on the cover of Vogue’s upcoming UK September issue. This is Emma’s second time on the cover of UK Vogue (previously appearing on the UK Vogue in December 2010), she has been featured on US Vogue (July 2011), Teen Vogue (July 2009), and in many articles throughout various editions of the magazine.
In her most recent interview with Vogue, Emma talked of becoming comfortable and accepting fame. Feeling uncomfortable with watching herself act, Emma said she felt peace after realizing she could use her fame and position for a good cause that she believed in. Taking on the position of Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women has given her a “purpose,” in which most loose ends she was grappling with “clicked into place.”
Moving forward with acting, in addition to her responsibilities to the UN, Emma has been featured in many post-Potter projects: Beauty and the Beast just wrapped up, Colonia is set to premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, Regression is in post production and set to release later this year, and she recently signed with Tom Hanks in The Circle. But Emma told Vogue she constantly looks back at the start of it all, when she took on the role of Hermione. Vogue reports:
Watson has unarguably come a long way since she won the nation’s hearts as Hermoine, the heroine of the Harry Potter films, studying at Oxford and Brown University as well as continuing acting. But that’s not to say she never looks back to when – and why – it all began.
“It’s something I’ve really wrestled with. I’ve gone back and I’ve quizzed my parents,” Watson said on having acting from such a young age. “When I was younger, I just did it. I just acted. It was just there. So now when I receive recognition for my acting, I feel incredibly uncomfortable. I tend to turn in on myself. I feel like an imposter… It was just something I did.”
“Part of me relaxed after I took on that position, it gave me a sense of belonging and purpose.” Watson told Vogue of her role as a Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women. “Everything clicked in to place, in a way that it hadn’t before. I understood what I’m here to do and knew where to channel all this energy that has been coming at me. I now feel this sense of peace. People say that I’m different since I did it.”
The September issue of UK Vogue will hit stands August 6. To read the full preview and see pictures, visit Vogue UK.