Matt Lewis in “Happy Valley” and “Me Before You”

Mar 05, 2016
HP Cast, Lewis, Lewis Interviews, News
Matt Lewis has been keeping busy since his Potter days. He is currently working on several projects, including the BBC1 TV crime drama, Happy Valley, and the spring-break romantic comedy flick, Me Before You.
The Mirror sat down with Matt and talked about his acting journey from playing the heroic Neville Longbottom to Happy Valley’s villainous Sean. It is quite the transition. Matt Lewis talked about the process he goes through to act the part, and get into the troubled character’s mind set. The Mirror reported:
Sean admits he picks up prostitutes and has memory black-outs after binge-drinking. Is he the murderer without even knowing it?
‘Sean goes to dark places and makes mistakes after he’s been drinking,’ says Matthew, 26.
‘He can’t escape the ghosts of his past and all these pent-up emotions explode in bursts of fury…Playing Sean is the biggest challenge of my acting career,’ adds Matthew.
‘It’s hard to get into his mindset as some of the things he does can’t be justified at all.’
Matthew is best known as bumbling Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter films.
‘Neville and Sean are wildly different,’ he laughs. ‘Younger Harry Potter fans may want to wait a few years before watching me in Happy Valley.’
Moving from a dark and troublesome character to a workout-crazed boyfriend in this summer, Me Before You, Pop Sugar has put together a slide show of a few photos from behind the scenes on the set of Matt’s new film. A couple of pics can be seen below, the rest can be seen here.
You can catch Happy Valley on Tuesdays at 9pm on BBC One. The film Me Before You premieres June 3, 2016 in the US.