Happy Birthday, Leaky’s Crafts!

Jun 01, 2010

Posted by: SuperJenn

Bloggers - tlccraftywitches

As I write these lines, Leaky Crafts is turning a whooping 4 years old!! I really feel like I own a time-turner that keeps spinning forward! Where has the time gone?!? When I think that this all started from an afternoon of boredom!!

Here I was, one afternoon in July 2005, doing all I could to avoid Half-Blood Prince spoilers while anxiously waiting for the book to finally come out five days later. Not so long before, I had made myself a size=”3″ color=”#0000ff”>Padded Photo Album. That got me thinking it would be fun to create a community that focused on both Harry Potter and crafting. That afternoon, Harry Potter Crafts was born.

Fast forward a few months to February 2006. The group had quite a few members, including many people who were also members and/or staffers of the Leaky Lounge. One of them was KimmyBlair and she asked me if I would be interested in doing an interview with her about my Harry Potter Crafts, and Harry Potter craftiness in general. I was of course honoured to be asked and agreed at once. The interview aired, people apparently liked my French accent and I enjoyed the fact that the group had been mentioned.

Not so long after, I receive an e-mail from Melissa. ZE Melissa Anelli. Asking me if I wanted to join the staff and create a Harry Potter Crafts section on Leaky. I must have hesitated for all of 0.00000062442 seconds before agreeing. I worked hard requesting permissions, uploading images and tutorials, etc. And on June 2nd, we finally shared Leaky Crafts with the rest of the world.

And now, four years later, there are 813 pages in Leaky Crafts, as well as countless images in the Leaky Crafts’ corner in the Leaky Galleries and tons of threads in the forums devoted to Leaky Crafts. But more important than threads and pictures and tutorials, to me, are the friends Leaky Crafts has allowed me to make and get to know. My fellow Crafty Witches, as well as countless other crafty men and women I would never have gotten to know and love otherwise!

*raises Butterbeer*

Happy Birthday Leaky Crafts!

*covers herself with a Permanent Sticking Charm and hugs everyone*

Crafty Witch Josée

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.