Jun 01, 2017
Incase you missed the exciting news, a trio of trios from the amazingly talented Team Starkid (who brought us the A Very Potter productions) will be attending LeakyCon 2017! Coming up with ever more creative ways to announce their rapidly expanding guest list, LeakyCon tweeted Starkid backwards thinking we wouldn’t notice: Hmm…what’s this? An undiscovered Fantastic Beast, perhaps? …read more!
May 28, 2017
Could there be anything more spellbinding for Potter fans than watching their favorite films together? Relive the magic of all eight Harry Potter films this summer with loads of your fellow Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Slytherins during Potter Watch. LeakyCon is excited to announce Potter Watch, a Harry Potter movie watch-along for the LeakyCon community and …read more!