Feb 21, 2003
Also in the earlier Newsround production/casting article, they list Fast Show star Paul Whitehouse as Sir Cadogan. He’s quite the character actor so it should be interesting as well as a good laugh. I wonder if they’re leaving out Prof. Trelawney – if so, then I wonder when the trio will MEET Cadogan.
Feb 21, 2003
The Whistler Question reports that the Harry Potter books are among the most challenged in Canada in recent years. The Richmond News has a similar story. Both the Whistler Public Library and Richmond’s Brighouse Library will mark Freedom to Read Week (Feb. 23 to March 1) displays of books which have been challenged and/or banned …read more!
Feb 21, 2003
Newsround reports on the supposed-to-be-released-soon cast list for PoA, including Michael Gambon as Dumbledore, Gary Oldman as Sirius Black, David Thewlis as Remus Lupin and Pam Ferris as Aunt Marge.
Feb 20, 2003
Comingsoon.net reiterates that PoA has started production, but does it with a great picture of Cuaron and Radcliffe outside the Knight Bus, and some words from Cuaron! Enjoy! (And thanks Jenny!) This article also reports Michael Gambon as Dumbledore, and though we’re told something is coming out of an official place sometime soon, there’s no …read more!
Feb 20, 2003
Thanks Michele, for pointing out that “basilisk” was was the winning word in a spelling bee in Yuma.
Feb 20, 2003
This Yahoo News Report tells of Branagh returning to the the London stage for the first time in 11 years, acting as Edmond in Edmond, a play about a New York businessman who leaves his wife. Branagh is well-known for his Shakespearean roles/movies; Mamet’s plays are typically rough, fast, dark and acidly intelligent. (Thanks Keith.)
Feb 19, 2003
The Miami Herald reported today that the Bee Gees’ longtime assistant Dick Ashby said that Barry Gibb’s Gibb’s friend David English was teasing the British tabloid The Sun when he said Gibb and Jackson would be traveling Potter-style. Ashby said he didn’t know if Jackson was even in Miami this week, although Barry Gibb will …read more!
Feb 18, 2003
Newsround has posted a story about the set report reader Ally sent to us a few days ago.
Feb 18, 2003
And the PoA pics parade keeps on marching. Thanks to the reader who pointed these out to us, from TheSnitch.co.uk. Go here to check them out – including closeups of the Knight Bus, and someone who may be Ernie Prang or a very good wax dummy…
Feb 18, 2003
Altered States Magazine has images of the coming-later-this-year lego sets, including Knockturn Alley, featuring Lucius Malfoy, and the Quality Quidditch Supplies, this time featuring Draco Malfoy and some quality Quidditch supplies.