Jul 31, 2003
Paul Howard of National Review Online compares Harry Potter to X-Men, and finds that as far as villians go, Voldemort wins out over Magneto.
Jul 31, 2003
A bit of a public service announcement: If your name is Lorna Gilmour or D. Steele, please contact the Dan Radcliffe birthday fundraiser project (which raised a whopping 2,100 pounds!) – you generously donated to the National Autism Society in honor of Dan Radcliffe’s birthday last week and as a result have won the prize …read more!
Jul 31, 2003
The transcript from my chat on USAToday is now up – enjoy (and thanks to everyone who sent in questions!) – and feel free to discuss, comment, tell me where you disagree, etc.
Jul 31, 2003
Hi from Vegas, folks. I wanted to take a minute to do a “Shout Out” to a fan of the site – Shanny McGibbon. One of their friends told me about them (in a rather coincidental way) so I thought I’d say hello – and your friend told me you’re really into FanFic…..fire off an …read more!
Jul 30, 2003
From Everyone Here At TLC (because we all wanted to post this, but I had the best left hook, so I won): size=”+2″ color=”green”>HAPPY BIRTHDAY J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter! JKR turns -coughhowrudecough- today (July 31, as it is now in the UK), and Harry is a ripe old 23. In honor of the occasion …read more!
Jul 30, 2003
Some people have had trouble getting at the pics from The Sun, so here they are: Harry, Stan and The Knight Bus Hermione threatens Malfoy The Knight Bus McGonagall talks to Harry
Jul 30, 2003
Markets Initiative, the group that works with Raincoast Books and other Canadian publishers to eliminate the use of papers derived from ancient and endangered forests, has invited The Sugar Quill to co-host a fan fiction tournament in order to promote recognition of their important cause. Submissions are limited to 1000 words, must take place in …read more!
Jul 30, 2003
To calm the naysayers, I searched the archive and found this pic from CBBC which clearly shows the kids in robes – new and improved robes, natch, so we know it’s from PoA. There are robes in PoA, everyone. Please relax about them. Let’s wait until we have the movie to judge its worth, robes …read more!
Jul 30, 2003
The Baltimore Sun has a great article regarding SugarQuill.net. For those who don’t know, The Sugar Quill is a Harry Potter fanfic site and second home to TLC editors, Kristin & Meg! 🙂
Jul 30, 2003
Wrestlers with the WWE are promoting reading through a poster program entitled “Get Excited About Reading”. Fans who email in the name of a book they’ve read or plan on reading this summer can get a free poster featuring WWE wrestlers putting a choke hold on some great books…including Harry Potter. (It’s the third poster …read more!