Feb 29, 2004
Gamers Hell has posted a batch of screenshots of the upcoming “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” game. Playstation 2 XBox Gamecube PC
Feb 29, 2004
Julio from PotterVillage.com has sent us two screencaps of Trelawney and Hermione in Divination class that were part of the E! Entertainment report that aired some time ago. Winky, from PotterWorldonline.com has posted a much larger version of the first Trelawney picture. Thanks Julio and Winky!
Feb 28, 2004
Financial advisor Smith Barney Citigroup recently downgraded the Scholastic(SCHL) stock from “buy” to “hold” citing concerns about the companies continuites business and worries about the government’s “do not call” registry affecting Scholastic business. Recommending that investors treat the stock like those of toy companies and movie studios with the goal of timing investments around successful …read more!
Feb 28, 2004
Check out the cover of Forbes magazine, featuring everyone’s favorite cover billionaire, J.K. Rowling (who, it must be said, brings much better hair to the billionaire club than her fellow, Donald Trump). Thanks very much to Sirius Kase for sending this in!
Feb 28, 2004
Yesterday, I was lucky enough to be shown a sneak preview of the redesign of HarryPotter.com that’s debuting in about a month – it’s darker and cooler and dispenses with most of the notion that these are kids’ movies deserving a kids’ site. Here’s what you can expect: The Marauder’s Map, which on the site …read more!
Feb 28, 2004
Since its debut about three months ago, Azkaban.com has received over 300,000 sightings of Sirius Black, WB tells us. Maybe they’ll find him soon…
Feb 27, 2004
Just in case you weren’t positive, we’ve had confirmation from official channels that the pic of Wormtail is indeed from the movie. 🙂 In related news, reader Rob tells us that today Timothy Spall’s birthday – so have a Happy 47th, Wormtail!
Feb 27, 2004
Today an interview in Bexhill Today was published about a 15 year old named Natasha Neeson who was in the final group of girls auditioning for the part of Cho Chang in the “Goblet of Fire” movie. Matthew from Veritaserum interviewed her, and she says that the part of Cho Chang has been cast, but …read more!
Feb 26, 2004
A reader sent us a first look at Wormtail! While this hasn’t been confirmed through the studio it looks spot-on with the tone and style we’ve seen. Ew, wow, and thanks!
Feb 26, 2004
J.K. Rowling personal fortune of $1-billion has earned her the place as the 552nd richest person in the world on Forbes magazine’s billionaire list. UPDATE: Karen has sent us the direct Forbes link – thanks, Karen!