Aug 31, 2010
Starting today you can hear Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) reading “Foster” by Claire Keegan over three installments on the Afternoon Reading series of BBC Radio 4. Currently, only the first episode is up, but the other two will be released tomorrow and Thursday. You can listen here. Thanks to roonwit for the tip!
Aug 31, 2010
Toyark is reporting that NECA and TOMY are teaming up to create and distribute Harry Potter toys to the US: “In a multinational collaborative effort to continue to bring you the coolest and most up-to-date righteous entertainment memorabilia, NECA has partnered with TOMY to distribute their European Harry Potter merchandise in the US! … Here’s …read more!
Aug 31, 2010
There are now only 80 days left until “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I” hits theaters! We are posting a quote from the first half of the book every day in celebration and to give us a chance to discuss and ponder the final book as it goes to film. Here is today’s …read more!
Aug 31, 2010
The BBC is reporting this morning that Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling has given a donation of 10 million pounds to the University of Edinburgh to fund a research clinic studying MS (Multiple sclerosis). The new research clinic will be named the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic, after the author’s mother who suffered from …read more!
Aug 30, 2010
Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy), Chris Rankin (Percy Weasley) and Matt Lewis (Neville Longbottom) are among the Harry Potter actors who will attend the Magic Christmas Harry Potter convention in Paris, France. The convention takes place on the 18th and 19th of December this year at La Maison Internationale. Guests will have the chance to attend …read more!
Aug 30, 2010
MTV has started their Fall Movie 2010 Preview Week of sneak peeks at the upcoming blockbuster films of the coming months. As part of their coverage, they have released his new photo from the “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1” film, showing of Harry Potter (Dan Radcliffe) walking up the stairs at what …read more!
Aug 30, 2010
There are now only 81 days left until “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I” hits theaters! We are posting a quote from the first half of the book every day in celebration and to give us a chance to discuss and ponder the final book as it goes to film. Here’s today’s quote! …read more!
Aug 29, 2010
Gimmee Jimmy’s Cookies is offering a trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter as the grand prize in a sweepstakes to raise money for Habitat for Humanity: Taking the magic beyond the books and helping out the community. Gimmee Jimmy’s Cookies and Bakery is raising funds for its charity partner, Habitat for Humanity Sarasota. …read more!
Aug 29, 2010
The August issue of The Quibbler, TLC’s publication for “news that no-one else will publish”, is now available for download. This Back to School issue includes articles about Muggles reportedly filming Heliopaths and sightings of Crumple-Horned Snorkacks in Glasgow as well as regular favourites such as letters from Luna and Xeno, not to mention a …read more!
Aug 29, 2010
There are now only 82 days left until “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I” hits theaters! We are posting a quote from the first half of the book every day in celebration and to give us a chance to discuss and ponder the final book as it goes to film. Here is today’s …read more!