Sep 30, 2012
The Hollywood Reporter has a new interview with Dan Radcliffe in which he discusses his upcoming four part series, “A Young Doctor’s Notebook.” Most notably, Radcliffe discusses his co-star, Jon Hamm, who will be playing the older version of Radcliffe’s character: “He’s one of the best,” Radcliffe said about working with Hamm. “He is really …read more!
Sep 30, 2012
This weekend The Casual Vacancy shot to the top of Amazon’s book charts. J.K. Rowling’s adult novel currently resides in the number one slot for both physical books and e-books. According to, the physical copy of The Casual Vacancy has resided in the Top 100 for the past 87 days, while the e-book has …read more!
Sep 29, 2012
As we saw this past week, many reporters released opinions, statements, and reviews on The Casual Vacancy. All of these short evaluations were posted in one article. After reading J.K. Rowling’s new adult novel, we have put together our own compilation of short reviews for the novel. Mel: The thing that made the Harry Potter …read more!
Sep 27, 2012
The first video of J.K. Rowling at the Southbank Center in London, England has been released. It is a 16-minute rap-up video. This event was supposed to be streamed live; we are currently keeping an eye out for more footage. The video can be viewed here (and is not embeded below by request of Southbank …read more!
Sep 27, 2012
We have quite a few video interviews with J. K. Rowling today. We have a few more clips from Rowling’s interview with ABC which can be seen here and here or below. We also have an interview from Australia’s ABC1 where Rowling discusses the impact her mother’s death had on her and you can watch …read more!
Sep 27, 2012
Hyped as the most anticipated novel of this season, Washington Post has reported that sales may not live up to the hype. The Washington Post blog reports:
Sep 27, 2012
Reuters has released statements on The Casual Vacancy from various official sources: “Though some sequences feel a few drafts short of being ready, others are written with a fluency and beauty that suggest that there could be more and better works to come from her pen.” (Huffington Post) In The Independent newspaper, Boyd Tonkin believed …read more!
Sep 27, 2012
Reuters has released statements on The Casual Vacancy from various official sources: “Though some sequences feel a few drafts short of being ready, others are written with a fluency and beauty that suggest that there could be more and better works to come from her pen.” (Huffington Post) In The Independent newspaper, Boyd Tonkin believed …read more!
Sep 27, 2012
The New York Times released its first book review of The Casual Vacancy this morning (SPOILER ALERTS).The NYT states that the overall feeling of the book was emotionally disheartening: ” The novel contains moments of genuine drama and flashes here and there of humor, but it ends on such a disheartening note “. The book …read more!
Sep 27, 2012
It is September 27, 2012 and JK Rowling’s first post-Potter, adult novel is finally here! If you have received your copy of the book, started to read, and would like to tell us how you like it please leave your reactions in the comments below. SPOILER ALERT to all other users!