Feb 28, 2006
Weasley is our king Today let us sing of Quidditch so fine because it’s his day to shine Ron Weasley is our King! As indicated by the calendar on JKRowling.com, March 1st is Ron Weasley’s birthday. Cheers to you Ron!
Feb 28, 2006
The 28th PotterCast is now up and ready for download. In this show: -Something strange(r) gets into Sue and John -Will Moody act differently in the fifth film? -The mean Hufflepuff -Was John right about Cedric? -Will Hot Cheryl be on the show? -Heather interviews fan artist Laura Bergholm, in our first fan art interview …read more!
Feb 28, 2006
Thanks to reader Leigh, we have more than 20 new shots of the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire DVD menus and casing, in our galleries. Enjoy! The DVD will be available March 7 in the U .S. in widescreen, fullscreen, widescreen deluxe and as part of a gift set. Thanks Leigh! Update: Reader …read more!
Feb 28, 2006
Warners Brothers has now launched a new contest to win a trip to the set of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on HarryPotter.com. The Grand Prize consists of a trip for four to London, England to visit the set of the next Harry Potter film, and includes a special meet and greet …read more!
Feb 28, 2006
Here is some happy news for the last day of February; J.K. Rowling has updated her website. She has given us a bit of news on the progress of Book Seven, and the number of possible chapters with a new entry in her diary section, saying two chapters have turned into four. She also says …read more!
Feb 28, 2006
We have some good news today as the winners of the AOL Moviefone Moviegoers Awards have now been announced. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was named as “Movie of the Year.” Actor Ralph Fiennes won as well in the “Vilest Villain” category for his portrayal of Lord Voldemort in GoF. Congratulations! Thanks Erika!
Feb 28, 2006
The clips keep rolling in as we have two new additional videos today from the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire DVD. The first promo clip features the Maze scene, and includes brief interviews with Daniel Radcliffe (Harry), Robert Pattinson (Cedric), Stan Ianevski (Krum), and director Mike Newell. The second clip has some interviews …read more!
Feb 28, 2006
Registration has now officially opened for Phoenix Rising, the Harry Potter symposium to be held in the city of New Orleans in 2007. The first 100 people who register will also get a special limited edition t-shirt designed by fandom artist Alice Wack. The press release notes: Phoenix Rising, scheduled for May 17-12, 2007, is …read more!
Feb 28, 2006
The short film Cashback, in which former HP actor Sean Biggerstaff (Oliver Wood) stars and which has been nominated for an Academy Award for Best Short Film, may now be downloaded for $1.99 at the iTunes Music Store.
Feb 28, 2006
With the release of the DVD just a mere few weeks away, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is still in some theatres around the world, and has now moved into the number five spot at the international box office. Variety reports that Goblet has crossed the $600 Million mark, to move behind Chamber …read more!