May 11, 2013
ABC Family has announced dates for their Harry Potter Weekend! The weekend starts today (May 11), and concludes tomorrow evening. Many thanks to Broad Way World for the heads up! The movie schedule is as follows: Saturday, May 11th 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET/PT – “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” 4:30 PM …read more!
May 10, 2013
LeakyCon was ecstatic to announce that Devon Murray (Seamus Finnigan) will be attending his very first LeakyCon in Portland! Devon will be joining co-stars Scarlett Byrne (Pansy Parkinson) and Ellie Darcey-Alden (young Lily Evans). LeakyCon reports: We are thrilled to welcome Devon Murray to the LeakyCon family! He will be joining his co-stars Scarlett Byrne …read more!
May 09, 2013
InsidetheMagic has a new interview up with Thierry Coup, the senior vice president of Universal Creative, and has gotten some great new details on the exciting Diagon Alley Expansion in Universal Studios: Q: How accurate is the Diagon Alley artwork to what will be built? Coup emphasizes that the released rendering does not depict detailed …read more!
May 09, 2013
LeakyCon has announced that Hunger Games actress Jackie Emerson (Foxface) will be making an appearance! She will be talking on a variety of panels—topics including The Hunger Games and female body image. You can still register for LeakyCon Portland here. LeakyCon reports: Jackie played Foxface in The Hunger Games film. Earlier this year, she appeared …read more!
May 08, 2013
LeakyCon has announced that Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Amber Benson (Tara MaClay) and Tom Lenk (Andrew Wells) will be in attendance at LeakyCon 2013 Portland! Amber Benson made an appearance last year, but she is planing to attend LeakyCon 2013 for longer–sharing her knowledge on vampires, witches, and “other supernatural geekery”. Leakynews reports: Amber will …read more!
May 05, 2013
Evanna Lynch has been cast as the wife of famous stage magician, Harry Houdini, in the new stage production Houdini. The role of the protagonist has yet to be cast, but BAFTA award winner Stuart Brennan will be playing Harry’s brother Theo. Houdini will tour to stages throughout the United Kingdom. Tickets go on sale …read more!
May 01, 2013
Dan Radcliffe will be starring in the upcoming film, “Tokyo Vice,” where he will play an American journalist who goes up against a Japanese crime boss: Radcliffe will play American reporter Jake Adelstein who, while working at the Yomiuri Shinbun newspaper in Tokyo, covered the crime beat and locked horns with yakuza boss Tadamasa Goto, …read more!