Aug 11, 2015
Today the Harry Potter world celebrates Ginny (Weasley) Potter’s birthday. Ginny has come along way since her first year at Hogwarts, when she accidentally fell into the hands of Voldemort. She is brave, strong, witty, and an excellent Quidditch Player. One could not imagine a better match for her than Harry. As an extremely gifted …read more!
Aug 11, 2015
Recently, J.K. Rowling took to Twitter to give us the news that there will not be a Harry Potter TV show, nor will there be a ‘Potter-on-Ice’. But rather than crushing our dreams (well, it did a little, if we’re honest), the hilarious ‘image of Ice Voldemort performing the triple salchow’ perfectly depicts Jo’s mastery …read more!
Aug 11, 2015
Vogue has released a new video, featuring Emma Watson. The video accompany’s the recent interview Vogue conducted with Emma, as their cover girl for the UK September issue. In the video, Emma talks about her HeForShe initiative and asks members of the fashion industry questions about gender equality within their field of work.
Aug 07, 2015
With filming set to begin within a month or so for Fantastic Beasts, sets are starting to pop up around Leavesden Studios in London. Large out door sets. As the storyline is based in New York but filming is set to take place in London, can only reasonably guess that these sets are for the Fantastic …read more!
Aug 07, 2015 reports that Irish actress Jenn Murray has joined the cast of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and is set to take a key role within the production. According to the information of Ezra Miller, who will play Scamander’s rival, is set to share some scenes with Murray’s yet unnamed character. Alongside Jenn Murray, the …read more!
Aug 05, 2015
On July 18th, RadioTimes reported that an estimated 14,000 girls aged between eight and 12 stayed in line for hours to audition for the role of Modesty. One of our own Leaky editors was there to report on the event. Now Warner Bros. has revealed to BBC Newsround the results of the Open Casting for Fantastic Beasts …read more!
Aug 05, 2015
The cast of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them gains a new star as Colin Farrell, the star of HBO’s True Detective, joins the cast. Hollywood Reporter states: “Farrell will play Graves, a wizard that Newt Scamander (Redmayne) meets in New York. The story centers on Newt’s adventures in the secret community of witches and wizards as he attempts to …read more!
Aug 05, 2015
Forget broomsticks, apparition, the Floo Network, Thestrals, fly motorbikes with rickety sidecars, or flushing yourself down a toilet. A concept artist from Mashable has designed a wizarding world themed subway (tube) map of London–just incase wizards wanted to mind the gap, and crowd in with all of us muggle commuters. The map itself is actually …read more!
Aug 04, 2015
As part of their current Sweets and Treats exhibit, Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter is offering a challenge to visitors. From now until September 6th, fans can take part in a guessing game to decide whether or not the goodies on display are real. Snitchseeker, via an unspecified source, reports: …read more!
Aug 03, 2015
Emma Watson is set to be featured on the cover of Vogue’s upcoming UK September issue. This is Emma’s second time on the cover of UK Vogue (previously appearing on the UK Vogue in December 2010), she has been featured on US Vogue (July 2011), Teen Vogue (July 2009), and in many articles throughout various editions …read more!