Apr 22, 2011
A bit of a throwback for Fun Friday today, as we share a video of who we know as Dan Radcliffe explaining the real Harry Potter. Hint: It’s all real.style=”text-align:left;font-size:x-small;margin-top:0;width:384px;”>I Am Harry Potter from Daniel RadcliffeThis is the latest installment of Fun Fridays where we will highlight a new, cool, funny, or interesting thing created …read more!
Apr 09, 2011
This Fun Friday gives us a glimpse at some talented Harry Potter fans, who have put some select sentiments by the character of Mrs. Black, Sirus’ mother, from the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix film. Click here, or watch below, this fun interpretation of J. K. Rowling’s work! This is the latest …read more!
Apr 09, 2011
This Fun Friday gives us a glimpse at some talented Harry Potter fans, who have put some select sentiments by the character of Mrs. Black, Sirus’ mother, This is the latest installment of Fun Fridays where we will highlight a new, cool, funny, or interesting thing created created by the Harry Potter fan community. This …read more!
Mar 18, 2011
Debates continue regarding the correct school colors in the books verses the films. For this Friday, we look to a cartoon from spelljinxcursehexcharm for more understanding. Enjoy below: Thanks to Naomi C for the link!This is the latest installment of Fun Fridays where we will highlight a new, cool, funny, or interesting thing created created …read more!
Mar 04, 2011
One creative college student solved the problem of what to do if Moaning Myrtle leaves your favorite lavatory reading material soggy. PostSecret featured this image of the entire first chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone written on a bathroom wall. This is the latest installment of Fun Fridays where we will highlight a …read more!
Feb 18, 2011
Spoilers are awful things. Especially when your cat is hungry. Evidence below: This is the latest installment of Fun Fridays where we will highlight a new, cool, funny, or interesting thing created created by the Harry Potter fan community. This could be anything from a funny spoof on YouTube, a particulary clever cartoon, or something …read more!
Feb 04, 2011
Everyone knows the midnight release of the latest Harry Potter film is the place to be for Harry Potter fans. TheStation captures this event and the feelings around it with a parody of a rather unlikely song. Thinking about plans for “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” premiere later this year? LeakyCon 2011, …read more!
Jan 28, 2011
Confused as to which astrological sign represents your birthday? Fear not, Harry Potterscopes are here. Thanks to Roflrazzi, we now know which Harry Potter character represents your birthday. Check out below to see where you fall in the celestial calendar of Harry Potter. I’m a Ginny, which one are you?see more Lol Celebs This is …read more!
Jan 14, 2011
We all know the Harry Potter series is loved by all ages, but, sometimes, the generations still may tend to be gravitate towards what we recognize from our own childhoods. Example below: This is the latest installment of Fun Fridays where we will highlight a new, cool, funny, or interesting thing created created by the …read more!
Dec 31, 2010
Here we get a look how Voldemort must have created those crafty dark mark tattoos. A fun Friday about swiggles and snakes that’ also educational!This is the fifth installment of Fun Fridays where we will highlight a new, cool, funny, or interesting thing created created by the Harry Potter fan community. This could be anything …read more!