May 12, 2013
Hey all! Leaky will be going down for a little bit tomorrow evening to do some maintenance and reorganization. It will start at 10pm EST and shouldn’t take more than a few hours. All the Leaky sections (but not LeakyNews, LeakyCon or the galleries) will be affected. We hope to make it as short as …read more!
Jun 03, 2009
Hey all: Quick admin notice that we’re aware that some of our sites (including and large parts of MyLeaky) are undergoing some shortages. Thank you for your patience as we get this ironed out. We are waiting for drives to be added to our servers and it is making a fix take longer than …read more!
Aug 11, 2004
We’re having issues with your comments not appearing. We’re aware of the problem and we’re working to resolve it, as well as to get Leaky moved over to the new server. We’ll have the everything up and running again as soon as we can (trust us, it’s as frustrating for us as it is for …read more!
Jul 01, 2003
Over the next few weeks, TLC will be working with the Lexicon and Quick Quotes to continue updating The Floo Network to keep our information consistent new canon. As changes are made, we will announce them here, so keep an eye out. One of the first and most exciting of these changes is an addition …read more!
Jun 06, 2003
Hey all – as you might have noticed, we’ve undergone a bit of a redesign. You’ll see above that we are now part of The Floo Network, the most exciting thing to ever happen to this site. The Floo Network is composed of four sites: The Harry Potter Lexicon, run by the incomparable Steve van …read more!
May 18, 2003
You may notice a FEW changes with The Leaky Cauldron. We’ve moved on from Blogger and YAACS, the commenting system which we incredibly overwhelmed. We’re now using a system called MovableType. So it’s new to us, (and setup generously by YAACS creator Hossein Sharifi), bear with us as we figure out how to use it.