Nov 13, 2021
Adding to the reflections on the 20th anniversary of the release of the first Harry Potter film, director Christopher Columbus gave an interview to Variety about his experience working on it and his hopes for future Potter-related features. You can read the interview in its entirety at the Variety site linked above, but here are …read more!
Nov 15, 2020
Towards the end of a historic year of turmoil and uncertainty, Tom Felton swooped in with a welcome respite: a Harry Potter cast reunion celebrating the power of fandom and togetherness. The best part? It was all for charity! Hosted via Veeps and benefiting The Liv Project, Tom Felton’s Home Party livestream took place just …read more!
Feb 25, 2017
Chris Columbus, director and executive producer of the first two Harry Potter films, is largely responsible for how the magic of the books were translated to the big silver screen. It is for this and his incredible work on many other films, that he was chosen to be the first recipient of the Robin Williams Award …read more!
Nov 17, 2009
As part of the build up to the release of the much anticipated Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Ultimate Edition DVDs due next month, director Chris Columbus is the subject of a new feature in the LA Times Hero Complex blog. In this article, Chris Columbus …read more!