Jun 26, 2001
The 2nd Trailer is Out! — Using AOL, go to Keyword: Harry Potter, and click on “Entertainment: Harry Potter movie” and voila! the new trailer, available for viewing! MadameAnonyme sent us the following description: It’s pretty amazing! It opens with Hagrid’s voice asking, “You ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn’t explain?” Then: “You’re a …read more!
Jun 25, 2001
A reader emailed us about the below picture from AOL. It’s a picture of Harry holding what looks like the Golden Snitch. If you look carefully, you can see that Harry’s eyes are, in fact, emerald green. (Thanks to Nate and Patty for getting us the picture).
Jun 25, 2001
USA Today is officially reporting that the Harry Potter trailer WILL show up on AOL Wednesday: A sneak peek at ‘Harry Potter’ trailer The new preview for the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone will be available Wednesday on AOL (keyword: Harry Potter) to subscribers. The trailer will appear in theaters starting Friday with …read more!
Jun 25, 2001
Another interesting rumor floating our way direct from Warner Bros. We hear that they are speaking with the agent of Christian Bale (famous for his lead roles in “American Psycho” and “Empire of the Sun”) about the role of Remus Lupin in the movie “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”. Note that this is …read more!
Jun 25, 2001
To continue our slew of casting rumors, our parent site Harry Potter Galleries has posted the following rumor about Hugh Grant playing Gilderoy Lockhart in the second movie: RUMOR: a reader let us know that Hugh Grant “was on the Rosie O’Donnell talk show a month ago (we confirmed that – early April 2001!), blatantly …read more!
Jun 25, 2001
Warner Bros. Harrypotter.com – Promise and Reality Promise: (quoted from the Harry Potter FAQ): “The Daily Prophet area is where you should go to get the latest news on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (or Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone for those of you who live in the United Kingdom and Europe.) That …read more!
Jun 25, 2001
Steven Spielberg on the Harry Potter movie in the New York Times: Mr. Spielberg sighed. “Well, `Color Purple’ is a good example,” he said. “That was a film where there was more ink shed on the comparison with the Alice Walker novel than there was on the merits or problems with the film. In fact, …read more!
Jun 24, 2001
It’s certainly stunt night at The Leaky Cauldron. After a bit more searching, we came across the Web site for Theo Kypri whose credits state that he was an “SD Voldemort” or a stunt double for Voldemort under Stunt Coordinator Greg Powell for the Harry Potter movie. The confusion continues and we can only speculate …read more!
Jun 24, 2001
We’ve done a little more research ourselves and found out that BBC ‘999’ resident stuntman Marc Cass is the Assistant Stunt Coordinator (possibly under Gregory Powell) for the Harry Potter movie. Besides finding the credits on Marc’s official Web site, we also found mention of it on the Next of Kin organization’s news site.
Jun 24, 2001
A reader’s recent email reminded us that last week we stumbled upon the Web sites www.james-phelps.com and www.oliver-phelps.com. We were very curious because as you all know, no one has come across pictures of these two actors, set to play the Weasley twins Gred and Forge….I mean…Fred and George in this fall’s Harry Potter movie. …read more!