Archive for the ‘Bloggers – Candace’ Category

Fictionpress to Life

Apr 07, 2009

Posted by: John Admin

Bloggers - Candace

I know the way the economy is going at the moment makes it hard on the wallet to purchase new books. I myself am saving for two books that I really want, and there is not much left over for anything else. I don’t go to the library in my city because, frankly, I don’t …read more!

Wizards and magic and myth oh my!

Apr 06, 2009

Posted by: John Admin

Bloggers - Candace

It’s virtually impossible for a writer to come up with completely new creatures, situated in a completely new world, without drawing some sort of knowledge from the fountain of information currently available. Let’s take myth as an example. We’ve seen a lot of myths used as examples in Harry Potter. Werewolves are most commonly depicted …read more!

Life Sucks?

Apr 03, 2009

Posted by: John Admin

Bloggers - Candace

Ok, this is the second time I’ve written up this blog. Let’s hope it save properly this time. Let’s that the title of this blog literally and figuratively. Vampires are pop-culture. It is no secret that Twilight has launched vampire-literature into the spotlight. But what is it about these types of books that make them …read more!

Life Sucks?

Apr 03, 2009

Posted by: John Admin

Bloggers - Candace

Literally or figuratively. You be the decider. For some reason vampire literature has become popular, more so with Twilight. So it seems almost like for a series to be popular, it has to have a good vampire storyline as a part of it, right? WRONG! (you knew I was going to say that!) Harry Potter …read more!

The Honest Truth

Apr 03, 2009

Posted by: John Admin

Bloggers - Candace

Here is the deal. I’m doing this BEDA thing, right? I’ve decided that I need to update BOTH of my blogs all the time. I was going to just post the same thing on both blogs, but to be honest I don’t use this blog enough for it’s proper purpose, which is to talk about …read more!

Urban Fantasy

Mar 24, 2009

Posted by: John Admin

Bloggers - Candace

So I’ve already told my story of how I got into Twilight. I was waiting for Deathly Hallows the book, decided I needed something to obsess about. From there was born my obsession with urban fantasy. What is urban fantasy, you ask? Anything with a paranormal or fantasy/magical element to it, set in a world …read more!

Cancer Danceathon

Feb 26, 2009

Posted by: John Admin

Bloggers - Candace

I realize it’s been a full month since I last blogged, and I’m sorry to say that this blog isn’t going to be about Harry Potter but I need to get the word out about an event I am participating in. March 14-15 is an event called the 24 Hour Cancer Dance-a-thon (the link opens …read more!

Leaky Crafts

Finding Hogwarts

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.